Tag: inspiration

  • Reminder for misplaced value

    Lately, I’ve attached my value to my job status. If I’m productive, I’m contributing and not deemed lazy. If I’m working, I have money and seen as successful. This is all misplaced value. 

  • Hire me

    Slightly unconventional classified ad, initially made in jest… but hey, use whatever networks you’ve got. Otherwise, what good is the internet for?

  • Appalachia livins grow’n on me

    Today I watched a shirtless man bomb a hill on a Target shopping cart in the middle of a downtown street. It’s so weird here.

  • Uninspired writing is still writing

    The only priority for the day: secure tickets to Beyonce’s Renaissance tour.

  • My midday walks

    When I’m outside, the world in my mind feels a little quieter, a little more manageable. Because when I see the steadiness of the swaying trees, the vastness of the tall mountains, when I feel the softness of the grass and the warmth of the sun, I’m reminded that to be alive is a special…

  • The 7 day writing challenge

    When I’m not writing, I’m freaking out about what I’m doing with my life and contemplating alternate career paths in my 30s and feeling like it’s too late as I spiral into an existential crisis. So I’m going to write a lot this week to calm me down.