The 7 day writing challenge

This week I’m challenging myself to write a blog post every day for 7 days.





I’m hesitant to do it because I find it awkward and annoying to be someone that’s like “Read my new blog post!” every day – especially when I don’t think my content or writing is that interesting – but I’ve been feeling lazy and uninspired since my sad Berkely material is almost gone, so I want to get my creativity going and remind myself that even with my lamest pieces of writing, I’m still a pretty darn good writer.

I find myself in this position often. I get a kick of inspiration that prompts me to write and produce something raw and emotional that resonates with a lot of people. Then when I’m over those feelings, my creativity tapers off and then I stop writing for a period of time. And when I’m not writing, I’m freaking out about what I’m doing with my life and contemplating alternate career paths in my 30s and feeling like it’s too late as I spiral into an existential crisis.

Dramatic, but this was my last week.

More often than not, what holds me back from just writing and sharing what I wrote is fear that it’s not good enough, it could be better, or it must be perfect. But really, what’s perfect? Especially when it comes to writing. A major part of writing is the editing, and a major part of being human is finding ways to excel or be better.

At the same time, though, it’s not about achieving amazing feats or being the world’s best blog writer. I love the digital space and the opportunity it creates for people around the world to connect with each others’ stories. What I don’t like so much is the pressure of analytics and visibility of likes and retweets that sucks me in every time I produce something. Yeah, it’s nice to see how many people like my stuff, but when I get too bogged into the metrics, it takes away the joy and therapy that writing gives me. 

And to just write for myself does nothing. Talents should be shared. That’s part of our story. That helps us connect.

So I’ve decided to force myself to take some time each day to just write, post and share. Even if the content isn’t great and nobody reads it, at least I’m writing. Who knows, maybe I write something significant in the next 7 days that is my pièce de résistance.

Hopefully in my process and awkwardness, you’ll find inspiration to keep at your skills and passions too.

xo, Day 1

To make things more awkward, here’s a picture of me with some pens to prove that I’m a write irl too.





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